Saturday, July 13, 2013

Yours Till Niagra Falls, Abby...

In my case it is "Lorain".  She is my BFF in every way.  Many of you have probably heard the story about how we met.  It was third grade, Mrs. Berry's class.  I was new to the school.  The first week, we had to start learning our multiplication tables.  There were only two people in the class that could go all the way to the 3's on that first day (at least that is how I remember it).  Myself and the tall girl, Lorain.  It was an instant bond that has never been broken.  It is now 33 years later (no one do the math please) and she is still my best friend.  Trust me, it has not always been roses.  There was the "gagga magga" club, fights over boys, fights over girls, awkward phases where we were trying to find our own identities, first loves, first heartbreaks, etc. 

Then there were the good times:  The Gorge at George.  Walking to town from Dalene's (in the middle of night).  Sleeping on the beach at Priest Lake (not sure if that classifies as a good time...we froze our fannies off).  "Trying" to get stuck in the snowbank so we did not have to go back to school.  Skipping school to lay on the docks (sorry mom).  Softball tournaments.  The "gagga magga" club (this was also a good time).  Boys!  Getting my car stolen on Halloween only to see Bobby and his friends driving it around with egg all over the place (have you ever seen me angry?), etc.

Then we grew up.  We have lived both thousands of miles apart and only minutes apart.  We have seen each other through the birth of our children and the death of loved ones.  We have went years without keeping in touch only to pick up right where we left off.  She truly is my best friend.  Now she lives 5 houses down from my mom and 10 house down from my sister.  She has four kids.  I have two.  My kids truly believe they are all cousins.  In a sense, they are.  They lived here for a few short years up until recently, so they come back to visit periodically.  Last night we enjoyed their company during one of their return visits!

Lorain is still tall (and I am still short).  Some things never change.

The boys wrestling with Cooper.

 Goofing around.
Don't you wish you knew what they were talking about?
The whole gang!

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