Sunday, March 28, 2010

Grandma Time

Kevin decided to take the girls on a road trip for the first part of the week. So they loaded up into the van yesterday and headed up to visit Grandma Terrell. Today Grandma is getting a little one on one time with the girls while Kevin goes fishing. Sounds like a win-win for everybody. Terrell just sent pictures to my phone. She has the girls all dressed up with hair in pigtails (well, one pony tail on top for little Sid). They are having a blast.

Here are a few pictures of our visit with my Aunt Nena courtesy of my mom.

And a group shot of the tea party. Katie taking such good care of Kendall, as usual. Sidney must be off chasing the basketball that she so loves!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

We are back.

Well, I wish I had a ton of pictures to share from our trip, but tech savvy me deleted all of them from our camera on accident of course. So, I will have to recap with words. The trip was absolutely awesome! The girls had a great time with family and the weather was beautiful. Aunt Lisa and family even made it over one morning to see the kiddos. One of the highlights of our trip was that My Aunt Nena got to meet the girls. This was very special for me. She is always writing asking about the girls and had yet to meet them. So we made that happen this weekend. We arrived to her house with fresh baked cookies waiting for us and new crocheted purses for the girls.

I am not sure what it is about Sidney and airplane landings. She must think that is the best time for a blow-out, because she never fails to disappoint! Kendall was quite impressive through security. I gave her a gray tub and she filled it up with all of her belongings "by herself". What a trooper!

Yesterday, Lorain's daughter had a birthday tea party. Both of the girls got all dressed up and we went to our first tea party. It was very fun. All of the girls decorated straw hats and purses. Kendall especially had a blast. She has been really into crafting. Now when we are shopping, she points out ribbons and papers that would be perfect for "crafting".

The weekend has been absolutely gorgeous. We took the kids to the park. Kendall rode her bike. It was one mile round trip and she did just great. Sid got to ride in the stroller. We bought Sid a bike helmet (looking way into the future). But it was just too cute to pass up - It had monkeys and airplanes on it. I had some great pictures of her in the helmet, but we all know what happened to those...

Oh and one more picture of my handsome husband...just because...

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Hit by the virus.

We have been struck by the computer virus. So our computer is in the shop getting fixed. The girls and I are visiting my parents while Kevin is living in bachelorhood. I thought I would take advantage of my mom's computer to let everyone know we will be back online soon.

The whole saga started last weekend. We were infected by that crazy windows security computer virus. This is a bad one. It has affected the computers of at least 6 people that I know. Apparently, the Better Business Bureau in Idaho was completely shut down because of it. So if a virus alert shows up on your computer, BEWARE! Shut your computer down immediately and get professional assistance. Sometimes it can be fixed over the phone with your internet security company. We, being the knowledgeable computer folks we are, kept trying to rid our computer of it only to make things worse. Within an hour we could not navigate ANYWHERE. It was so bad that we now have to take it in to get it fixed. UGH! That is exactly what I wanted to spend my money on.

So that is our drama. I never quite realized how dependent I was on my computer until I was unable to use it. I hope to have fun pictures and stories to share when we get back up and running. Until then...

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Happy Hat Day!

First and foremost, thank you everyone for your prayers and well wishes for my mom. She is doing much better. She is not quite 100%, but getting there fast. To top things off, both of the girls ended up having ear infections. On Monday, Sidney had a wellness check scheduled. They had both been quite sick with a cough and cold for over a week. Rebecca called me at work and said that Kendall had been complaining about her ear hurting, so she went along for the ride. The doctor checked Kendall's ears and sure enough she had an ear infection. Then during Sid's wellness checkup, he checked her ears and sure enough she had a very bad ear infection also. That would explain all of the crying and mayhem from the previous week. Within 24 hours calamity was gone and we were restored to normal (or what we know as normal).
Today the girls had a lot of fun things going on. Kendall was dying to wear a hat today. She is picking out her own outfits now and does a pretty good job (most days). I must say earlier in the week she picked out all blue. Blue shirt, blue pants, blue fleece or better stated turquoise pants, baby blue shirt and yet an entirely different blue fleece. But I had to applaud - they were all blue. Now back to the hat. She was insisting on a hat because it was raining. Good thinking. She pulled out the first hat and it was way to small. Immediately she said" Sidney can wear this one. It will fit her!". Fit it did! Rebecca told me that Sid wore the hat all day. She would not fall asleep at nap time until that hat was on her head. Silly girl!
Kendall informed me today that she had learned to do "crisscross applesauce". So here she is demonstrating her new talent. Funny thing is, she was having a hard time doing it while sitting on the floor. But no problems at all while teetering on the stool?

She also got to play in the rain. I thought this was awesome. Rebecca said that the kids kept begging to play in the rain. She thought that instead of always saying "no" she thought "why not, they will dry". The kids put on their coats and "danced in the rain". Oh to be a kid again. I have so much to learn from my kids. As we were walking through Costco last night (in a hurry of course). I turned around and there was Kendall bending over smelling the flowers. "They smell beautiful mommy"...

Sid had a "grandma" experience today...

Hitting the chocolate again! Thanks to Rebecca for snapping this funny picture. This will certainly make it to her sweet 16 party!