Sunday, August 28, 2022

Sidney turns '14'.


This is 'clearly' the year of the horse for Sidney.

1. Describe yourself.  Nice, loves animals, an extroverted introvert (especially enjoys talking to the old ladies at the barn).

2. What are you thankful for?  Pigeon, my mom, Kendall.

3. What makes you happy?  Pigeon.

4.. What makes you sad or angry?  When Bella jumps up on me and scratches me.

5. What do you want to be when you grow up?  Mixed between a photography, equine trainer or equine veterinarian.

6. What’s important to you?  Having a good relationship with the people around me and the care and well being of my animals.

7. What do you love most about yourself?  I am not a super picky eater and that serves me well because I love to eat food.

8. What do you love most about your mom?  She so pretty, and she does so much for me (I am blushing).

9. What do you love most about your sister?  Her willingness to be part of the stuff I do (horses and camping).

10. If you could go anywhere, where would you want to go?  The beach with my horse.

11. Who do you admire? Why?  Shelby, because she really good with horses, and she is nice.

12. What do you want to learn more about?  Horses.

13. What’s something you’d like to do to help someone else?  Nothing specific.  I just like to be there when someone needs me.

14. What are you afraid of? Embarrassment.  I do not like being embarrassed.

15. If you could only keep one thing, what would you keep? Pigeon (no surprise there).

16. What’s your favorite memory?  When dad brought me the stuffed animal from Petco.

17. What are you proud of yourself for?  The way I have stuck with horses and have not given up even when it has been hard.

18. What are you looking forward to this year?  Getting my nose pierced and getting a job.  

19. What do you dream about?  Getting my drivers license and learning to drive the truck and trailer.

20. What else do you want to say?  Grace, if you are reading this, tell Liza to wish me a Happy Birthday on the right date this year.

Celebrating the Twins.

We had a fun day yesterday celebrating Sidney and my mom's birthday's .  The girls and I took my mom to see a sold out show of Sound of Music.  It was absolutely awesome, as we recognized many of the songs.  Kendall even started to sing along, no surprise there.

After the show, my dad met up with us at Texas Roadhouse.  It was a short 30 minute wait, but the time went by quickly.  We burned a few minutes of it taking selfies.  

The food was delicious and we enjoyed each others company.  

Somehow, they managed to escape the embarrassing restaurant Happy Birthday dessert.  So, we headed to my parents to celebrate with a chocolate cream pie, Sidney's favorite.

Happy Birthday beautiful ladies!!!

Friday, August 26, 2022

The Other Stuff.

 The girls jumping on Pigeon to watch the sunset.

There is never a shortage of beautiful sunsets at the ranch.  Breathtaking, really!

Sidney and Pigeon are starting to get this jump thing figured out.  Look at saddle, no bridle, no problem!

Pigeon and Sidney showing off their new trick.  Take a bow!

Bella had her first encounter with a bee.  Yikes!  Thankfully, the Benadryl worked because the emergency vet clinic had an 8-10 hour wait.

Puppy snuggles.

The rainbow after the rain.  Gorgeous.

A gift to me, from my garden.  Thank you.

My new truck, with it's new topper and the Navy, Air Force stickers on the back....just the way Kevin liked it.  I love this truck!

Selfies with Pigeon.

Drinking fountains, ranch style.

Thursday, August 25, 2022

It was NOT a vacation...

 …or was it?  I must admit, this single parenting gig can be challenging.  Two teenage girls, one hard working mom.  Sometimes, I just need a break.  Rarely, though, will I give myself that break.  I am ALL IN with these girls.  I have never been one to do anything half way.  So, when it was time for our annual leadership meeting in Oceanside, off I went.  Granted, I had just rolled in from our Weippe trip at 12:30am, when I had to unpack my rodeo bag only to repack it to head out for the airport.  I did not realize how much I  needed the break.  

To top it off, this work trip was amazing.  Most work trips we are working from sun up to after sun down (this was no exception).  The difference...we were not in a windowless conference room.  In fact, our meetings were in a glass walled conference room on the rooftop of a hotel overlooking the Pacific Ocean.  Who says you cannot combine work and play?  I cherished every moment of it.

I woke up each morning to do yoga.  The last day Bill, I and Jennifer joined a yoga class together.

The sunsets were stunning, as we walked to dinner each night.

We were exactly 1 mile from the harbor in which the girls and I took our spring break vacation.  The last morning, I walked down there to enjoy coffee and the view.

Also, how did I miss that the Top Gun house was right there in Oceanside?  Well, this time it was pointed out to me and I was sure to take a picture.  In the words of Bill, it really does 'take my breath away' (ha!).

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Wild Weippe Rodeo.

 The girls and I, along with Liza, took a trip to Weippe, Idaho for their rodeo weekend.  The girls are so incredibly helpful packing things up and getting everything ready.  There is no way I could do this without their help.  They spent Friday morning, giving Pigeon his last minute clipping.

Then we loaded up and hit the road (with full road trip snacks in hand).

We met up with Brent and Lydia and followed them up there.  It was so much better that way!  It was the first long road trip for both of our families.  Brent also had two way radios, so we were able to keep in touch even when we were out of cell coverage.

Once we got there, it was all hands on deck setting up camp.  

I was pretty impressed with our little set up.  We only have a few small tweaks to make for next time (Isn't that always the case?).

Our first sunrise.  Gorgeous!  When I asked Liza her favorite part of the trip, she said it was definitely waking up before everyone else and enjoying the sunrise.  Me too.

We slept pretty cozy in our new tent and cots.

The first morning was an early practice at the rodeo grounds.

Next, the team got their horses ready for the parade.  Sid and Pigeon had their own pit crew.

No sleeping on the job Pigeon!

Liza and Kendall found a great spot along the parade route and made it their mission to gather up lunch for all of us (aka candy).

The second afternoon, we were there, we all beat the heat by jumping into the Clearwater to cool off.  Alyssa and Wilson led the way.

Brenda and I enjoying the refreshing water.  I love this family!

When the kids were not floating in the river, they were hunting for tadpoles and baby frogs.

My sister, Jason, Steve and his entire family came to the rodeo on Saturday to cheer Sidney on.  Her and Pigeon did great!

It was a fun trip, with the kids giggling and running around in the dark with headlamps to guide their way.  An unprecedented amount of junk food was consumed!  Meals were eaten together, and we all lived by the motto work hard, play hard.  Goodbye Weippe, until next year....