Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Fish is "Floppy"

These are the words that Kendall used to describe the first fish she caught. In my last post we were headed up to the lake, Dora fishing pool in tow. Kendall threw the line in (with Kevin's help of course) and she quickly got a bite. She was full of excitement as she worked very hard to reel her first fish in. Just like her mom though, she refused to touch it!
Sidney and Kendall have been really into dolls and dress-up lately. Here is Sid taking her doll for a car ride. She absolutely loves to play outside. Yesterday she kept spinning herself around in circles and trying to walk. It was quite funny to watch.

Grandma Juanita has come for a visit. The girls snuggled right up to her. It has not taken Kendall long to figure out that Grandma "Nita" gives the best backrubs ever! I am a little bitter though, because the more time that Kendall tries to squeeze a backrub out of her the less time for my backrubs. Hmmm...not sure how to handle that one:)

Below is a small glimpse into Sid the wild child hamming it up for the camera. My sister does not believe me that Sid has transformed into this crazy little character. As for the matching outfits...Can you believe that Kendall goes out of her way to match outfits with her sister? I remember being a child and 'detesting' matching outfits. I swear Kendall watches what I am going to put on Sidney and will run into her room to try to find the same thing. Wonder how long that will last?

Sunday, April 18, 2010

A Love Hate Relationship

Before I get to the title of this post, I will give an update of our happenings this week. I must warn you there are very few pictures for this post as I have been very lazy.

Kendall was pretty sick on Friday. I stayed home from work with her, which was very warranted since she did not leave the couch all day. She also did not eat a thing for 3 days. How do little kids do that? It was a bummer deal, since her friend Hannah was supposed to stay the night on Friday. All day Kendall kept saying "I feel good mommy. Hannah can come over." To which I would reply "Okay, then how about a bite of toast?" To which Kendall would reply "No thank you". Well, at least she is polite. Unfortunately we had to postpone the overnight stay. One of the most impressive things on Friday was that I made my first attempt at trying to work from home. I got an incredible amount of work done. This was quite shocking to me! I suspect it is because Kendall was so lethargic and Sidney was at Rebeccas...

Saturday morning Kendall woke up feeling much better. By the afternoon, she was ready to roll. So Hannah came over to stay the night. The girls all had a blast. They played very hard. We painted toenails and fingernails, crafted, played in the bathtub. It was an all-around good time. I must say, this was one of my first observations of Sidney the wild child. She was out-of -control with laughter. She was acting so crazy that she actually went under water in the bathtub at least 5 times and it did not even phase her.

Another Saturday morning event was Sidney's first "playdate". Her little friend Emily invited her to bring a friend day at The Little Gym. I can just imagine the conversation when Emily was asking Kristin if she could invite Sidney:) Kevin and Sid met up with Chris and Emily for the morning. Kevin said that she was a little daredevil. After observing the events of Saturday night this does not surprise me a bit. Thank you to the Brandts for inviting Sidney along for such a fun experience!
Now to the title of this post...

The other day Kevin says to me "I really wish you loved doing yard work more". I responded "Why is that?" He replied "Because then you would do it all and I would not have to do any". UGH. Well at least we have both come to agreement that we hate doing yard work. The concept of this mystifies me. How can two people that love the great outdoors so much, like doing yard work so little? At least now that it is out in the open I do not feel so guilty about it. We should have thought more about this before buying our home. In retrospect, a penthouse apartment or a condo would have served us better than our 1/4 acre subdivision lot. That being said...I love my backyard. To that end, Kevin and I decided to join forces and tackle the yard today. Four huge barrels and a couple of garbage sacks later, our yard is looking much better. We actually have visions of raking rocks and making room for a new playhouse for the girls next weekend. We will see what the future holds. For now, we are off to the lake to relax in our boat. Don't get too excited folks. I am speaking of our 15 foot aluminum fishing boat. Just perfect for a cruise around the lake!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

It is Finished.

20 years of military service - done. Wow! Kevin had his retirement ceremony yesterday. It was really nice. It is amazing how much he has accomplished in 20 years. The Chief even made a remark about almost needing to get a larger shadow box to fit all of his medals. They presented Kevin with several awards. Several people remarked on what a focused aircrew member he was and how they never had to worry about him being distracted.
The girls did really well at the ceremony. It is very strange to think that there will be no more deployments, no more drill weekends, no more flight suits, no more base parties. It is bittersweet. Congratulations Kevin. Thank you for all of your hard work and the sacrifices that you have made!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

The Great Egg Hunt

This is the first year that Kendall truly got it. She was very excited for the Easter Bunny to come. Last night (after some prompting from Dad) we made the Easter Bunny some blueberry muffins. Seriously...what Easter Bunny eats muffins. Well our Easter Bunny did, because the only thing left on the plate was some crumbs (more on that later...)

The girls got all dressed up in their outfits and we went to church today. Kendall had two assignments. One - no crying in Sunday School class. Two - she was to introduce herself to at least one new person. She did them both and had a great time in class. She was even helping the teacher wipe down tables afterward.
After church we went to an Easter egg hunt in the park. It was beautiful out, but FREEZING. So we left our hoods on until the hunt began. Then off went the hoods so we could see all of the eggs clearly! Sid needed no instruction at all. She was an egg hunt champ. Kendall was off at the word go and had a blast.

Afterward as we were walking back to the car, Kendall remarked on the large number of eggs that the Easter bunny had left in the park. Without even thinking about it, I replied "Well that was probably because of all the muffins he ate". REALLY...what was I thinking? As Kevin and I started laughing hysterically, Kendall kept asking what we were laughing at. "You don't want to know" was all that Kevin would tell her. Someday she is going to know what dorks her parents are. But for now, we will remain very cool!