Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Fish is "Floppy"

These are the words that Kendall used to describe the first fish she caught. In my last post we were headed up to the lake, Dora fishing pool in tow. Kendall threw the line in (with Kevin's help of course) and she quickly got a bite. She was full of excitement as she worked very hard to reel her first fish in. Just like her mom though, she refused to touch it!
Sidney and Kendall have been really into dolls and dress-up lately. Here is Sid taking her doll for a car ride. She absolutely loves to play outside. Yesterday she kept spinning herself around in circles and trying to walk. It was quite funny to watch.

Grandma Juanita has come for a visit. The girls snuggled right up to her. It has not taken Kendall long to figure out that Grandma "Nita" gives the best backrubs ever! I am a little bitter though, because the more time that Kendall tries to squeeze a backrub out of her the less time for my backrubs. Hmmm...not sure how to handle that one:)

Below is a small glimpse into Sid the wild child hamming it up for the camera. My sister does not believe me that Sid has transformed into this crazy little character. As for the matching outfits...Can you believe that Kendall goes out of her way to match outfits with her sister? I remember being a child and 'detesting' matching outfits. I swear Kendall watches what I am going to put on Sidney and will run into her room to try to find the same thing. Wonder how long that will last?

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