Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mmm Mmm Goodness

This weekend we made a batch of homemade power bars. This is a recipe that I won at the United Way auction at work a couple of years ago. They are full of yummy goodness - raisins, dried cranberries, coconut, walnuts, sunflower seeds, honey, peanut butter, flax seeds and best of all chocolate chips. The thing that I love most about this recipe is that I can alter it however I choose and they always turn out yummy. The girls got a lot of enjoyment out of licking the spoons.

Kendall and Sidney went to a birthday party yesterday. There was a "bouncy dragon" as Kendall called it. She spent most of the afternoon getting tossed around in the house. While Sidney would have no part of it. I tossed her in at one point, and she totally freaked. Then after pulling her back out she kept clamoring to get back in. I do not believe that she actually "wanted" back in, but she sure had fun trying to crawl up the dragon's tongue (the slide).

Speaking of freaking out. Sidney hates the carwash. Her mild dislike for the carwash has turned into a full fledged panic attack. Who can blame her? I hope this passes as going through the carwash can be a lot of fun, and the smell is SO good. Especially the ones that have the "triple" soap.

Kevin was true to his form and made Mother's day a very special occasion. He arranged for a manicure and lunch with my girlfriends on Saturday. The ladies and I went to a Hawaiian Cafe that turned out to be VERY yummy. The french fries were a mixture of white and sweet potatoes sprinkled with coarse salt. Of course I picked out all of the sweet potatoe fries and ate them first! Then I awoke to a beautiful card and starbucks gift card on Sunday. Kevin wanted to take me out for breakfast, but was kind enough to listen to my cries of "NO WAY". I did not want to fight the Mother's Day breakfast crowd. So we opted for homemade pink pancakes with chocolate chips instead.

Happy Mother's Day to our mom's. They are two of the most loving ladies I know! Both of these women are a true testament to the fact that Motherhood does not stop once the kids are out of the house.

A closing picture for today - Kendall getting a kiss from Coco. Not sure she was too thrilled about it:)

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