Sunday, July 7, 2013

Another New First.

While we were miniature golfing yesterday, we saw a sign in the adjacent bowling alley that said kids bowl free (this link will take you to the registration site).  We registered the girls and bought the family pass which registers four more adults.  Essentially we can all bowl 2 games free each day from now until the end of October.  We only pay for shoe rental.  Today Kevin was in a golf tournament, so the girls and I headed to the bowling alley after church.  They were having cosmic bowling - regular lights out, strobe lights on, loud music blaring and music videos flashing.  It was a perfect day for teaching the girls.  I should mention that I have NO BUSINESS teaching the girls anything about bowling.  I am almost always the worst adult bowler in the bunch.  I have even won the "bowling shoes" at our annual work outing for the low score (only one year).  The other years I have barely squeaked by. 

The girls and I had a lot of fun.  The pictures are not terrific due to the crazy lighting.  Kendall lining the ball up.  The girls used the bumpers and had the ramp to roll the bowl.

Kendall trying to steer the ball at the end of the alley with her body.  Believe me, I wish that worked!

Sidney with her green ball.  Oh how they wished they could use the pink ball.  It was just a little too heavy.

Sid being Sid!

Game One (Sid and I tied).  To my credit, I did not use the bumpers or the ramp.

Game Two (Notice the strike in the ninth frame).  Thank goodness or my six year old would have beat me!
Good times!

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