Friday, July 5, 2013

Holy Spearmint Batman!

I dedicate the title of this post to The Dark Knight Rises.  I am easily amused when it comes to film watching.  Last weekend while Kevin and I were getting ready for AshLee and Patrick's wedding, we caught a few minutes of this movie on the hotel TV.  We reserved it on our drive home and watched it that evening.  So, I am in a Batman and Robin mode now.  Seriously though, check out my spearmint plant.  I am so glad that I heeded the many warnings of family and friends and put this in a pot.  It is beautiful (and has already received several haircuts)!

We are plant sitting for Terrell while she is enjoying one of the benefits of her job as a "granny".  She is taking July to relax and visit with family.  We brought her pots to our house to care for them during the July heat.  Kendall and I deadheaded these pots a few nights ago and filled a grocery bag.  They are ready for more blooms!

I have never been much of a tomato fan.  In fact, we were shocked a few years ago to learn that Kendall loved cherry tomatoes as we never have them around the house.  Then we started our fruit and veggie co-op.  I was receiving tomatoes nearly every week.  I finally said to Terrell, "What in the world can I do with these nasty things?"  She told me to throw them in my spaghetti sauce (a dish we have nearly once every week) with jarred sauce of course.  They were amazing!  I have concluded that I just do not like raw tomatoes.  The other day I actually went to the store and purchased tomatoes.  Unbelievable!  We decided to pick up a Roma tomato plant for our patio.  We were a little late in the game, but we are already seeing some tiny tomatoes. 

And how is the rest of our garden doing?  I must start by saying that we were a little overzealous and planted our garden a bit early.  The late frost zapped it.  I was almost too cheap to replant.  With a little coaxing from Kevin (and a sale on starters at Fred Meyer), we replanted.  Things are starting to grow.  It is exciting to watch.

A sweet pepper.

Zucchini (thank goodness we only planted one of these).

Our cauliflower, cantaloupe and spaghetti squash plants are also coming right along.  The flowers that Kendall and I planted outside our bedroom window are really taking off.

On the way home from the wedding last weekend, we stopped in West Yellowstone and let the girls run around for awhile.  They love picking the wildflowers.  I love watching them pick the wildflowers.  It reminds me of when my sister and I were little.  My Aunt Nena would always take us on walks to pick wildflowers.

There has been some big spending in the Strong household.  Namely by the Strong little girls.  We have been helping them save their money since they were babies.  Each time they would get birthday money or do extra chores, we would give them a little bit for spending.  The bulk of it would go into a savings for them.  At this point, they each had about $200.  Six months or so ago, Kendall kept asking for a Kindle Fire.  We assumed the phase would pass.  However, I did tell her that if she REALLY wanted one, I would help her find a very good deal.  Every few weeks she would bring the topic up.  I would remind her that it would take nearly all of her life savings if she wanted one (so dramatic).  About a month ago, she came to me and said, "Mom - I am ready for a Kindle Fire.  Will you help me find a good deal?"  We found a brand new one on Craigslist with a case and a charger for $100.  She was so excited.  The lady had gotten it for a gift, but really liked her Ipad instead.  It had only been turned on a handful of times and nothing had even been downloaded to it. 

Of course a few weeks later, Sidney was asking for one too.  After a week or so of searching, we found her a similar deal.  They are pretty stoked.  They have only "mysteriously" walked away from the kitchen counter a few times.  They are limited on the amount of time they get to use them.  I guess one cannot blame them for trying. 

On a similar note, they each had earned $8 from random chores given to them by us and other family members.  Yesterday I took them shopping (coupons in hand).  Sidney picked up this fabulous Barbie Pool.  The girls had their friend Jordyn over for the day.  They had a blast playing with it outside.  Word of warning to other parents...this toy should ONLY be used outside (with actual water in it).  There was water everywhere.

The Barbie puppy even had to take a turn down the slide.  How many dolls can you fit into one pool?  Do you love the burgundy pantsuit?  My grandma hand crocheted that for my sister and I when we were little girls. 

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