Saturday, July 20, 2013

Carnival Day with Papa.

The girls have been up at my parents for the week.  Today my Dad took Kendall, Sidney and Hallie to the carnival.  Last night my Dad called to tell me about his big plan.  The girls have never been to a carnival.  I reminded him to take the remainder of the girls spending money (which was not much).  He was so excited and said, "Oh Yeah, they are going to be able to do a ton of stuff!"  My reply?  "Dad, clearly you have not been to a carnival in years, because that will only last about 2 seconds."

As expected, they had a blast and zipped through their money fast sending my Dad running to the ATM.  Hallie took a few pictures on her phone, then texted to tell me she does not have picture messaging.  Bummer!  Apparently there was a camel at the carnival.  Kendall was the only one brave enough to ride it.  Hallie was not too crazy about the idea, but she put on a brave face and talked Sid into riding it with her.  The minute the lady tried to lift Sid onto the camel, she started to yell, "Put me down now!"  Such a demanding child, but who can blame her?  After all, it was a camel.  They are pretty tall.  Lucky Hallie!

However, Sidney was brave enough to ride the ponies.  In fact, she did not want to get off and sweet talked the lady into giving her a few extra rides on the house.

My Dad sent a few pictures from his phone.  Thank goodness for picture editing since they all seemed to have a finger in them.  His answer when I asked him about the finger, "I'm old."  This picture could not be saved from the fat finger.

Here a a few rides that the girls rode on.  Why are they not pictured?  I imagine the camera was just not fast enough.  I was going to ask my Dad about this also, but figured the answer would be the same.  Love you Dad!!!

So what have Kevin and I been up to with all of this free time?  It is incredible how much time we have on our hands.  Last Sunday we went to the driving range, went for coffee, went bowling, bought groceries, and went out to lunch - all before noon! 

We watched an incredible movie last night, titled The Impossible.  It is based on a true story about a family that was caught in the 2004 Tsunami that hit Thailand.  It reminded me of how grateful I should be each and every day and how quickly things can change.  It is difficult to understand the devastation caused by these catastophic events.  The movie did a good job of depicting it.  There were cars, trees and building swept away.  People were repeatedly pummeled by the large waves and slammed into by huge inanimate objects.  In the aftermath, the survivors were separated from their loved ones not knowing whether they had made it or not. 

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