Monday, August 12, 2024

River Fun.

It is amazing the difference that a couple years will make.  Sidney, my parents and I rafted the Boise River a couple summers ago.  Sid said she would never do it again.  It gave her crazy anxiety.  Well, a couple years later and with some adventurous friends in her life, she has been a river floating champ.

I am pretty certain she has rafted quite a number of times this summer.  Here she is with Claire floating the river.

A few of her friends from youth group got together to float.  They decided to pull the rafts out about halfway down and walk to Chick fil A for a quick snack.  

As if river rafting is not enough, throw in a bit of bridge jumping.  Claire's dad took them all to the river for some daring adventure.

The little park center bridge just wasn't sufficient.

There she goes!

Again, this takes me back to my youth, when the thing to do was to jump off the 'mud hole' train bridge.  I still remember the first time I jumped, arms splayed out.  Yep, that did not feel the best hitting the water.  I quickly realized to keep the limbs tight!

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