Friday, August 16, 2024

Horse Butts and Therapy.

I do not know what it is about horse butts, they are just so stinking cute all lined up at the trailer.  Sidney took baby Levi to one of her drill practices this month.  He does not appear so 'baby' as he is getting so tall and starting to fill out.

He was a very good boy!

One evening she rode him in the back round pen and then walked him through the trail course.  He did amazing.  He has won the hearts of the ranch ladies.  I frequently have people commenting about his sweetness.  It probably helps that he is up front by the front round pen and tie rack, so people get to know him when they are with their horses.  

I have been trying to faithfully exercise him most days.  Then we do some thinking exercises.  This seems to be making him much more calm and willing to navigate new things.  

I am not sure when/where it happened, but this horse has stolen my heart.

Anna, Sabina's friend, made a trip over from Germany again this year.  She finished her horse physiotherapy degree and was offering sessions at the ranch.  Levi has never had bodywork done on him.  He has been growing so incredibly fast and is super stiff, so I asked Anna what she thought about working with him.  She was willing to give it a try.  Levi was an amazing patient.  We were able to get in two session while Anna was here.  I could see an immediate difference in his movements.

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