Saturday, August 10, 2024

Celebrating with Bentley!

Bentley turned 18 this summer.  Her parents took Bentley and a couple friends to Cascade for the weekend to camp and boat.  Kendall was invited to the celebration.  They had a great time.  Bentley's mom, Stephanie, is in the top left of this picture.  She is such a fun lady.  We had a great time with their family during the Disneyland dance trip this past spring.

The girls had a blast tubing behind the boat.

It was a bit smoky up there, because of all the fires, but that did not stop them from having a good time.  

They glamped in trailers and played a lot of board games at night.

I love this picture with the beautiful rainbow behind them.

I am pretty certain this picture is not from the camping trip, but somehow ended up in Kendall's blog pictures.  It is cute nonetheless.

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