Saturday, August 31, 2024

Cookies, Crafts and All the Rest.

Here are the adorable cookies that my mom made for Emma's 2nd birthday.  

Kendall and I hit up crumble cookies for an afternoon sugar high.

I am absolutely obsessed with these interchangeable goodies.  I am not sure if it is a blessing or a curse that I stumbled across these at Pinners.  I have had such a fun time painting and assembling these little treats.

The girls and I have been having some fun movie dates.  I have went to the movies more this summer than I have in years!

Hey, when you're tired, you're tired.  

From this...

To this...

Rebecca sent me this fun picture from years back.  These girls have not changed a bit.  You can see each of their personalities so clearly.

Rooftop fun with friends.


Okay...Kendall sent me this one for the blog.  I am going to have to get the story behind this one.

Kendall had her solo choregraphed by Savanna again this year.  This talented woman is going to have a new little girl pretty soon!

It is never a blog month without a few gorgeous sunsets.

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