Monday, August 19, 2024

Back to School 2024.

This year was really strange.  Kendall did her own back to school shopping.  It makes me giggle how excited she gets for school supplies.  The best part of her haul was her new planner and fancy highlighters.  Sidney asked me to tag along on her trip (probably for the credit card, if we are being honest), but I will take it.

I think this could be the beginning of a very emotional year.  Kendall pulled up this gem of a picture of her first day of kindergarten.  To see the full post, look here:  the-first-day-of-kindergarten

It was only natural that we take a picture in front of the same door.  Look at how much she has grown.  It has gone by in a flash!  I am not sure why, but seeing her in front of the same door brought a lump to my throat.  Life has thrown us many curveballs in the span from one picture to the next, but we have stayed grounded and steady.  Yep, I can tell that this may be the year of choking back tears.

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