Sunday, August 4, 2024

Fan Girling for Aaron Watson.

Sidney and Jayde attended the Aaron Watson concert at the Knitting Factory.  They had the time of their lives and were over the top fan girling.  It took me back to my own fan girl experience.  It was the Bush concert at the Ventura Theater.  Vicky and I were front and center, screaming 'I love you' to Gavin Rossdale.  Such fun and silly times.  

They arrived early to see the opener and solidify their spot front and center.

When Aaron came on stage, they had the perfect spot.

At one point, he even started singing and talking directly to them.  

Sid got a picture with him. There is nothing like the fun of living in the moment and having the fan girl experience.

Did I mention that he signed her phone case AND gave them each a guitar pick?

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