Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Dinner and a Movie - Family Style.

My sister and Hallie came for a post Christmas visit.  As usual, we made the most of every moment.  One evening we decided to go out for dinner and a movie.  We went to the Albertson's Marketplace for dinner.  Everyone got to enjoy whatever they wanted.  I probably just need to stop taking group selfies, but it likely won't happen.

Our intent was to watch the movie Knives Out at the Village after dinner.  We went over there and had about 30 minutes to burn, so we took a bunch of family pictures.  As it turns out the movie was sold out, so we raced over to Majestic Cinemas and caught a later showing.  It was such a fun evening goofing off with family.

My sister and I had a Yahtzee marathon.  One of the games, I rolled a Yahtzee with 'ones', which is so satisfying!

A few turns later, I rolled a second Yahtzee within the same game.  My sister was not too happy with me after that.

Steph and I took the girls out for a bit of after Christmas shopping.  Of course, no shopping trip is complete without a trip to Starbucks.  We indulged ourselves in the Starbucks photo booth while we were there.

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