Sunday, December 22, 2019

Remembering Kevin.

Thanksgiving was much harder than I imagined this year.  We all miss Kevin so fiercely!  Sidney wrote him a beautiful letter and we took flowers to his grave site.

Our new tradition is to decorate the 'Kevin' tree on his birthday.  The girls read a poem by candlelight, and we remembered the joy that he brought to our lives.  We also tried to remember that he would have wanted us to continue to live life to the full!

Our niece, AshLee, called me that weekend to tell me that she had shot her first buck with Kevin's rifle.  It was both exciting and emotional for us.  To hear the experience was amazing.  It was as if Kevin was right there encouraging her along.

My brother. Jason, had used this picture for the last slide at Kevin's service.  It is one of my favorites, not because it is the best picture taken of Kevin, but rather the symbolism it gives me.  I see him smiling his big huge smile and waving goodbye, "See you again sometime!"

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