Monday, December 23, 2019

Holiday Spirit!

BAKING and more baking.  It has been our theme this holiday season.  It started with me sending a text to Terrell saying that I would like my favorite cookie added to her baking list.  Within seconds, she texted me back a picture, "You mean these ones?"  Yes, I am spoiled.

We have had a baking day at our house (or two) and a couple of baking days at Terrell's

My mom thought no one would notice her sneaking a bite...sure!

This is how my Dad helps on baking day...rather than baking, he is the dedicated sampler!

The dogs even reaped the rewards of our baking spirit!

Bailey could hardly wait!  I half expected him to put his paws on the counter.  Thank goodness he did not!

The girls made their annual gingerbread (graham cracker) houses.  They went pretty elaborate this year!

Baking day at Terrell's was filled with a ton of sampling.  I am pretty sure no one ate dinner this night!

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