Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Welcome to the New Year.

I give myself a little solace in that January is not quite over yet.  However, I am SO behind on blogging.  Here goes...

After all, I have been busy.  I had a couple of pallets from a project I am about to embark on (more to come in a few weeks), so my Dad and I decided to make something out of them.

Here is the end result a new sign to hang in my bathroom.  I love these words, as it reminds me to give myself a bit of grace.

The girls and I try to take a moment on the ride to Terrell's in the morning to enjoy the beauty of the day.  With the days being so short in the winter, sometimes that is not possible.  I caught a beautiful sunrise the other morning and sent a text to the girls to step outside and have a look.  Sidney sent the picture below.

Kendall, not to be outdone, stepped outside at middle school and snapped this gorgeous picture.

I think what I love more than anything about the pictures is that they took a second to pause and enjoy the moment.

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