Tuesday, January 28, 2020

The Life and Times of Sidney.

Six shooter Sidney made her debut shortly after the new year.  She had papa show her how to use her Daddy's BB gun.  This was her first attempt.  She has made quite a few adjustments to her stance and has had to take a few steps back since then. 

She has been really wanting a Comfy the past few months.  Christmas went by with no Comfy, probably because I find them a bit nutty.  Gram and Pop bought a few pieces of furniture at RC Wiley after the holiday and were able to purchase a Comfy for $7.  Sidney was the proud recipient of the Comfy.

2019 was a year of change for all of us.  Sidney decided to change schools, as most of you know.  She received her new Gem Prep t-shirt in the mail the other day and was excited to put it right on.  The school format has been super challenging for her, but she has worked hard and grown a lot through the process.  We are both super proud of how far she has come.

I love that she has decided to pull her American Girl dolls back out.  At one point, she thought she had grown out of them and wanted me to thrift them.  Fortunately, I decided to box them up instead.  I am happy to report that she has unpacked all of the boxes and has resurrected her imagination with these dolls.  She spent some of her saving to purchase matching pajamas.  Cuteness!

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