Sunday, September 8, 2024

Shout Outs and Buckle Bunnies.

This is a bit of a random post about Sidney shenanigans.  She has been really loving her new job.  She even got a shoutout on the employee app.

Her youth group had an 'Idaho Night'.  Two of the boys dressed as buckle bunnies.  Hilarious!

Sidney has such a nice blend of school this year, albeit incredibly hard!  She has been finding some time to enjoy some of the extracurriculars, between all of her course work.  

Jayde and Hannah threw her a birthday party.  This has been a tradition with the three girls.  Jayde hosted it at her house, and the girls got to enjoy the new swim spa.

Sidney and Claire have been enjoying some great hikes.  Let's not forget to mention that this particular hike ended with a giant fall down a small rock cliff resulting in a pretty bad road rash.  I guess it was all worth it though!

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