Monday, September 2, 2024

2024 BTS Pictures.

Here they are.  We used the Strong Family photo service for this year's back to school pictures.  Thank you to Sidney for the awesome editing.  Thank you to HVR for the beautiful backdrops.  

Sid stayed a bit longer for a couple of bonus horse pictures.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Behind the Scenes.

Kendall will be getting her senior pictures done this year, but it will not be for a little bit.  So, we decided that I would take some back to school pictures in the meantime.  Sidney agreed to do the editing.  The good ones are coming.  In the meantime, here are some gems from behind the scenes.

There was a giant crash milliseconds after this one was taken.  We were pulling a few goat head out of their pants, for sure.

If this does not make you laugh, not sure what will.

Creepy much?

AND, we saw this awesome owl in the wild.  It took me by surprise at first.