Thursday, June 20, 2024

Baths, Balls and Buddies.

Kendall did some dog and horse sitting for the neighbor.  She talked me into giving her a hand one of the evenings.  She is such a cutie and so willing to have fun in every situation.

I decided to take advantage of the warm weather and give the horses a bath.  By myself!  Of course, within seconds after putting them in their stalls they both proceeded to roll in the dirt.

Levi and Pigeon are becoming fast buddies.

I brought out the Parelli ball to see what they thought.  Levi was super curious.  Pigeon would only come over once and ran away when the wind blew the ball.

Jayde got on Levi for a ride in the back arena.

Claire came out and had a ride on Pigeon.

I have been doing a lot of the groundwork exercised with Levi.  It is going quite well.

My mom brought Dani out to meet Levi one evening.  They were adorable!

Oh, and we cannot forget the ranch sunsets!

One more sunset, from our neighborhood this time.

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