Monday, June 3, 2024

End of Year Dance Banquet

The dance studio held the second annual end of year banquet for the competition dancers.  Kendall went dress shopping and found this cute little dress.  Truth is I have a love-hate relationship with this dress.  I love that she looks so beautiful.  I hate that she looks so beautiful.  UGH.  They are growing up.

We got all dolled up and headed out for the evening.

The evening started with dinner and awards.  Here is a picture of Revive Team and their coaches.

Kendall and I always enjoy the photo booth.  

After awards, they opened it up for dancing, mingling and taking pictures outside.  The back of Kendall's dress was equally stunning.

Bentley graduated this year, so she will not be at the studio next year.  This is such a bittersweet moment.

Oh and we cannot forget...THE DANCE MOMS (and a dance dad)!

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