Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Sunsets and Signs.

I was asked a couple weeks ago, what brings me joy.  My answer was sunrises, sunsets and walking.  Kevin was also a lover of sunrises and sunsets (not so much walking).  The girls have inherited that love.  It is often that we are sharing our pictures of sunrises and sunsets.

No other place to put this other than here.  Cute picture of Sidney and I.  Oh this is my now favorite t-shirt (that I bought at Pinners).  It says, "It's weird being the same age as old people."  

My old digital picture frame died, so I upgraded to this beautiful new frame.  It only took me nearly 10 hours to load pictures on the new one.  Saturday, gone! The reward is great though.

I am obsessed with these wood cutouts.  There was a small business vendor at Pinners selling these adorable things.  She gives you the cutouts and paint and you do it yourself.  My mom and I each bought a couple of sets.  I happily painted my mom's for her!  They are awesome and a low key way to change my decor throughout the year.

There are more where those came from.  Like I said...obsessed!

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