Saturday, May 25, 2024

Idaho City and Trailriding.

 Sidney and Jayde have been getting some extra riding in.  

They took the horses up to Eagle Foothills for a trail ride.

They have also been having regular practices with their drill team.  Sadly, I do not think their next performance is until July.

Jayde's family has a cabin near Idaho City.  Last year, her parents bought some horse panels.  The girls and her parents made the trip up there for a long weekend with the horses.

The pictures were like heaven.

The second night, this is what is looked like before everyone went to sleep. They woke up the next morning to learn that the horses had gotten into a scuffle overnight.  They doctored up any scrapes and checked them over to make sure there were no serious injuries.  To be on the safe side, they gave them the day off from riding.

Not to worry, as the girls still had transportation via the side-by-sides.  

Of course, they had to get ice cream while there.  Duh!

It was a great trip, full of adventure.  Sidney came home sufficiently tired.

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