Thursday, May 23, 2024

Horsin' Around - May 2024.

 I continue my adventures in the horse world.  I took another lesson with Noel on Maize.  She is such a good horse.  I practiced trotting and had a lot of fun.

Sabrina sent me these pictures one morning.  My heart always drops when Sabrina sends messages or pictures and the dreaded phone call is the worst, as it often is not good news.  This time, it was pure hilarity.  Her message said, "It looks like Levi was going to clean his own paddock, but forgot the bucket."  I cannot even fathom how he manages some of the things he does.  A toddler for sure.

He somehow dragged the muck cart and the fork into his stall.

Sid took Levi for a walk along the trail.  It sounds like he did great, but was not a super fan of the cows.

I attended a groundwork clinic at Shelby's.  Oh my goodness, did I learn so many new games and exercises to work with Levi on.

Kendall has been going to the ranch a bit, now that her schedule has freed up slightly for summer.  She gave both the horses a spa day and braided their tails.  I am not sure what happened to those pictures.

One of the boarders at the ranch, Nancy, had asked Sid if she would ride her horse, Dolly, in one of the local shows.  Sidney was happy to ride a new horse.  They did quite well and placed 4th out of 17, which is quite remarkable considering many of the entrants in the category were professional horse trainers.

Sidney has been putting a few more rides on Levi, not that her schedule is freeing up as well.  He is such a calm horse by nature.  Calm, but young still!

I guess it is official.  Levi is mine.  I made him a stall sign to celebrate.

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