Tuesday, May 28, 2024

NRG Seattle 2024.

 Kendall had her last dance convention for the season in Seattle.  It was NRG Dance Project.  The studio had not been to this one before.  It was SO much fun.  The energy (pun intended) was perfection.  To top it off, we had a star sighting.  Nicole Ritchie was there with her daughter, just being a regular ole dance mom.

Kendall and I waiting for our ride to the hotel.

First thing is first, food.  We found this amazing little restaurant that had the BEST grilled cheese ever.  It was complete with bacon and avocado.

After lunch, we stopped by 7 eleven to load up on snack.  I think this must be trend, because Kendall insisted on a picture.

Kendall had the huge responsibility of transporting 'Petey' their dance prop.  I was happy to report that Petey made the trip safely.

Kendall and Bentley competed their solos on Friday night and did absolutely amazing.  Kendall even had the misfortune of her music not starting, so she was told to 'exit the stage' and had to come back on a few dances later.  That would have been nerve wracking, but she handled it like a pro.

Kendall getting amped up for convention day one.

The team dances also went amazing.  I held my breath during the hip hop, as Kendall has several tricks.  She nailed them all.  Bentley's mom sent me a text celebrating (she was not able to come).  When I told her that I held my breath every time, she confessed that she did as well.  Good to know!

Our favorite uber driver got out of bed, late Sunday night, to pick us up.

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