Sunday, May 26, 2024

A Doggie Stroller, What?!

My mom is officially 'that' dog mom, and I love it.  She got a doggie stroller for Dani.  She was reluctant at first, but is super happy with her decision.  I think it is great.  My mom can take her long walks, and Dani rides for part of it and walks for part of it.  Win-Win!

Kendall and the fluffers.

These dogs absolutely love the outdoors.  Bella always finds a nice spot in the grass, while Bailey prefers the patio.

The girls have been taking the dogs for pup cups and dog park trips.  They LOVE it!  Kendall informs me that Bella put herself in the seat belt.  Apparently, Kendall just has to buckle it and Bella climbs into this spot.

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