Thursday, December 22, 2022

Oh, that Cake!

My dad had his 73 birthday this week.  I had taken some great pictures this past week.  However, I accidentally (human error) lost all of them during the transfer to my computer.  I was so bummed and spent an hour looking for them to no avail.  I know exactly what I did, but at least I learned a lesson in patience.  All that being said, these last few posts include borrowed pictures. 

Here is one of my always goofy father.  We all went in and got him a top golf gift card for his birthday.  He is getting a hip replacement in January, so hopefully he is able to get a game in before the big surgery!

I was in charge of procuring the cake.  I sure did pick a lovely one, if I do say so myself.  It was equal parts beautiful and delicious with its layer of white chocolate melted over the top.

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