Wednesday, November 25, 2020

I Almost Forgot, Halloween.

Wow, I am not sure how I missed posting Halloween, perhaps it was because it was like no other.  We did keep a few of our favorite traditions, one of which included pumpkin carving.  Although Kendall decided not to carve this year.  I suppose I will have to excuse her teenage self:).  I really did not like carving pumpkins while growing up.  As an adult, it is the bomb!  

I have discovered that I am actually quite good at it.  I appreciated Sidney's tenacity this year, as things did not go as planned.  However, she flipper her pumpkin around and stuck with it.  

We did not trick or treat, nor did we hand out candy.  Though their is a funny story.  Just before dusk the doorbell rang.  I had forgotten it was Halloween.  I opened the door, and there were about six kids.  Egads!   I ran to my candy stash and grabbed what I had left...Almond Joys.  I put them in the kids' bags.  One of the kids (the leader of the pack), proceeded to tell me he was allergic to tree nuts and did I have anything else.  Seriously, since when did trick or treating become so highfaluting?  Nope, I did not.  After that, it was lights out.  It felt awful not participating, but I really had not thought the whole thing through.  

Hannah stayed the night and the girls had a great time regardless.  Sidney started the night out as an adorable clown.

The three of them ended the night 'goth' and goofy as ever!

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