Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Spring Break Frenzy!

My Sister, Hallie, her friend Angel and my parents came down for Spring Break.  It was a party!  Jason and Dylan were also here for the Bucks Bags Baseball Tournament, but they had to stay with the team.   My sister and the girls came a day early and we did touristy things.  We visited the Capitol for the first time.

I love this picture.  I am three stories above taking a picture looking down on them.  While they were looking up at me, my sister captured this cool picture.
Two peas in a zany sister and my zany daughter.
'Somebody' managed to commandeer my cell phone and went to town taking picture of herself in front of the headless statue.

The girls spent hours making signs to cheer their cousin on.  It was such a beautiful week for a baseball tournament.  No rain and barely a cloud in the sky.  The team played four games over three days.

Cousin love! 

The girls caught up with Dylan after the first game.  My sister took Kendall and Sidney to have pizza with the team one night.  They had such a fantastic time.

On Friday, my mom and sister took all of the girls to the aquarium while I went golfing with my dad and Kevin.  Crazy Kendall decided to pet a snake.  You go girl!

Love these ladies!

Such a sweet picture of Sidney and her cousin Hallie.

As if that was not enough fun for one week, we also visited the Boise Zoo, where we ran into some of our favorite people.  Kendall's friend Rayah was there with her family.  The girls actually had this pre-planned and really enjoyed meeting up for a bit.  We also ran into the Brandt girls and their Grandma. 

It is a good thing that we do not live on a farm, or I am certain that Kendall would have us talked into all kinds of crazy animals.  Every time she sees Valerie, she inquires about Mick (the resident Llama).

Sidney had just finished a report on capybara's.  They are considered to be the world's largest rodent.  She was super excited to stumble across several of them at the zoo.  They really are kind of disgusting creatures, but it was pretty cool that Sidney could rattle off so many 'fun facts' about them.

Hallie and Kendall were both brave enough to feed the very picky giraffe.  This giraffe will only eat lettuce of a specific size.  What a beautiful creature, but I suppose if you have so many people poised and ready to feed you, it is okay to be picky.

While Kendall and Hallie were waiting in line to feed the giraffe, Sidney and I snuck off to visit one of my personal favorites, the penguins.  They were very active when we arrived.  Sidney brought her camera with her and got a ton of excellent pictures.

Hallie has been learning the song Say Something for an upcoming recital.  She has an intense passion for music.  For her recital, she will be both singing the lyrics and playing the piano.  She taught Sid the lyrics, and they did a beautiful duet for us.

I just love this picture of Sidney.  It truly captures the love she has for Hal.
My mom took each of the girls out on a special date.  I did not get a picture of Kendall on her breakfast date, but I did get this one from my mom.  Beautiful! 
Both of the girls chose to go to IHOP on their dates.  My mom had two yummy breakfast dates in a row.  Lucky grandma and even luckier little girls.
As I mentioned in my previous post, Kevin had started prednisone a few days before my family arrived, so he was the picture of energy!  He even decided to join my dad and I on a golf outing.  He played seven holes, very well, if I might add.  Then he drove Miss Daisy (that would be me) around the course and gave me lots of tips!  I made it all 18 holes, which is pretty good for me.  I am a nine hole kind of golfer.
 My dad, the leftie.  I love playing with him.  He is a good man!
 It was an amazing action packed week.  I am so thankful that we all got to spend this time together.

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