Wednesday, April 18, 2018


The girls are always amazing me, mostly in a good way.  Lately I have noticed that they are becoming so bold and independent.  As I mentioned in a previous post, we joined the YMCA.  Kendall has taken a liking to the rock climbing wall.  I keep threatening that I might give it a try.  It is pretty much an idol threat, since I am certain that some teenage worker would have to come rescue me in the event I actually did make it to the top.

Sidney is a great swimmer.  Like many things in her life, she is the only thing that holds her back.  I took the girls swimming a couple weeks ago.  At the Y, the kids wear bands based on their skill level.  Everyone starts with red (very limiting).  The child can then test for yellow or green.  Sidney will do the yellow test all day long.  Passing the yellow test allows them to play unattended in the warm pool, the slide area and a couple other small areas.  The green test allows them to go absolutely anywhere on their own, including the high and low diving boards.  To pass the green, the child must overhand crawl to the ropes and back at the super deep (high diving area) end of the pool. 

Sidney is capable of passing the green test, but she will never give it a try.  Mind over matter.  During this visit, she came and told me that she was going to test for the green.  I absently nodded, since I have heard that one before.  She followed it up with, "Well, maybe I will just go down the slide a few times before I do."  Kendall and I nodded and smiled knowingly.  There was NO WAY she was going to try the green test, but we will play along.  About 15 minutes later, I looked up to see where the girls were.  I saw Kendall at the deep end of the pool, running along the side cheering on the swimmer in the water.  I looked to the water and saw little Sidney swimming swiftly to the ropes.  What?!?! 

As Sidney finished the test and climbed out of the pool, Kendall greeted her.  Once she had her green band on, the two of them walked over to the diving boards.  At this point, I am on my feet walking quickly to the other end of the building.  Kendall climbs up to the high dive while Sidney steps gingerly onto the low dive.  She walked out to the end.  Kendall yelled, "1, 2, 3..." and off they jumped.  Little Sid is growing up!
Kendall wrote a blog post recently about her invitation to the gymnastics competition team.  After a weekend of praying and pro/con lists, she decided to give it a go.  Kevin and I were very clear that it is a one year commitment.  Once she starts, she has to finish. 
Week one was quite the eye opener.  She had been part of a recreational class which practiced 2 hours a week.  Now, she was part of a competition class that practices a minimum of 6 hours per week.  The first night of practice, she was on cloud 9.  Adrenaline got her through the grueling 3 hours of practice.  Night 2 was a different story.  She was sore.  She was tired.  As I went in to pick her up after night 2, I could see it in her face that something was wrong.  I asked her if she was okay.  She stoically replied, "Wait until we get to the car."  As we settled into our seats, I asked again.  She started to cry, "The coach yelled at me.  I hurt my knee.  She kept making me practice.  She is mean."  Alas, reality was settling in.  I explained to her that these were some of the differences between recreational and competition gymnastics.  The expectations would be higher.  The demands would be stronger.  The coaches would be tougher.  I went on to say that this year would build her character.  She would know at the end of it, whether this was for her or not, but along the way she would learn a ton.
The following Saturday, as we were picking Sidney up, her old coach approached her to ask how team was going.  Coach Becca, reinforced everything I had said and also talked about how much stronger she would become.  It would take hard work, but her body would get used to it.    We are now in week three.  She is already adjusting to the new schedule.  She is excited to try out grips for the first time and have the opportunity to try more advanced moves.

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