Monday, April 9, 2018

Fight On...

The last update on Kevin came around Christmas time.  He was getting ready to start radiation for a new tumor that popped up near his neck.  He did 13 consecutive days of radiation, at which time we just wait and see.  Over the past few months he has grown increasingly tired and irritable.  The most basic of tasks have been exhausting for him.   All of these things were worrisome. 

The week before Easter, he had his first scan since the Christmas radiation.  The results were both good and bad.  The good part was that the tumor in his neck had shrunk (successful radiation).  The tumors around his esophagus had remained relatively stable.  The bad news was that he had a new, rather aggressive tumor, in his adrenal gland.  Kevin had mentioned to the oncologist how awful he had been feeling.  The oncologist ordered some additional blood work.  The results showed that he had a 'trifecta' of hormones off.  The side affects:  fatigue,  muscle weakness, depression and mood swings.  Alas,  it finally made sense.  The oncologist decided to put him on prednisone to try and bring down the inflammation of his glands.  Kevin, who normally fights vehemently against prednisone, was happy to give it a try.  I am not joking when I say that within 24 hours, Kevin had his personality back and he was seriously like the energizer bunny.  As they have tried to wean him off the prednisone the past few days, the side affects are returning.  Hmm.  No Bueno!

As for the tumor in the adrenal gland, we met with the radiation oncologist to see if it could be treated with radiation.  The oncologist was concerned with overlapping the other areas that have been previously radiated (the esophagus and the neck).  He ran some additional scans and deduced that although there were some minor areas of overlap, he felt it was safe enough to proceed.  Kevin will have number 5 of 13 radiation treatments today.  The radiation to this area has made him particularly nauseous. 

Bottom line...I hate that we are going through this.  All of us.  Kevin, our daughters, myself, our extended family and friends.  However, we are still in the fight.  I have said it time and again, the miracle for us is the time that we have gotten together.  Kevin is a fighter.  He says it is because he has no other choice.  I just know for myself that I am not sure I could go through what he has gone through.  This is not a 5k, nor even a marathon at this point.  It is an ultra marathon, and very few people are able to endure that.  Fight on...!

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