Saturday, May 27, 2023

Radix Portland.

 We attended the last dance convention of the season over Memorial Day.  It was in Portland at the convention center.  We stayed in the same hotel that I always stay in for the mass timber conference.  It was fun to take Kendall to my 'stomps'.  We rode the max all over the city.

Here is the view from our room, overlooking the city.

The first day, we had some free time.  Abby's mom had a meeting, so we took the max downtown to Powell's bookstore.  That place is insane.  It is the largest bookstore in the world.  I though I was never going to get the girls out of there, but after several hours I was successful.

We indulged in some selfies and photos while waiting for the train.

Oh did I mention that I found these fabulous candles at the bookstore?  My sister wanted one for her and Hallie.

...more selfies to pass the time.  Teenagers.

We went out to a delicious Italian restaurant one evening.  I had this even more delicious martini.  I think I may be a martini girl, but only the sweet ones, so are those really still martini's?

At the suggestion of one of Abby' seat mates on the bus, we took a trip to Washington Park to see the Rose Test Garden.  It did not disappoint.

These girls definitely do not take after me.  They spotted this lost baby mouse and decided to give it some help finding it's way back home.  No way!

...and why is Kendall's left hand cupped?  Was she actually planning on catching this little guy if he fell?  Again, no way.  I had a hard time even photographing this situation.

Did I mention that Abby got her pants stuck in the Uber door on the way there?  Well that was also an adventure.

It turns out that Memorial Day is the kickoff to the three week long Rose Festival.  We watched these amazing fireworks from our hotel room on opening night.  They went on for so long that we walked away and missed the finale.

This picture is my attempt at proof that I actually went to watch some of the dances, in the crazy lights and blaring music.  Of course, the girls were tired of me saying, "Oh, I can do that." after every fabulous dance move.  

Kendall earned a hip hop scholarship at the convention.  This was her first award at a convention, and it was pretty exciting!  Way to go Kendall!!!

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