Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Community Quilts.

 As I have mentioned, the girls joined a 4H group.  I love it.  They love it.  The group has been both educational and fun.  One of the requirements is to do a community project.  The girls decided to make quilts for the local hospital.  They got together for a full day on Saturday to get a good start on them.  Celia started them out with a quick lesson, then they got to work.

I love that Celia is so good about making sewing enjoyable.  She made sure the girls stopped for breaks each hour, mostly to play with the new bunnies.  She also had the girls bring pizza toppings, so they stopped for lunch and had a 'make your own' pita pizza.  I became the designated ironer and pizza cooker.  It was a fun day!

Kendall is learning crochet, rather than sew.  Pam came to help her learn a few techniques.  Kendall is picking it up very quickly and finds it quite relaxing.

Each month, one of the girls gets up and does a demonstration for the other girls.  Josie taught the girls how to make a pillow with a heart shaped pocket.  The girls really enjoyed this project.  They had to both machine sew and hand stitch.

Here is their progress at the end of the day.  The girls and I are going over during spring break to spend a few hours working on them.  They are coming along nicely!

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