Tuesday, January 29, 2019

The 'Catch All' Post.

Here is the spot that I will throw all of the things that I want to squeeze in for January.  We have been having spring like weather in Boise.  Highs in the 40's and 50's.  That is crazy for this time of year.  Hannah stayed over with us this past weekend.  The girls spent much of their time outside, long boarding, hover boarding and walking the dog.  It was fabulous!
We received some beautiful plant baskets that I have managed to keep alive.  However a few of them were starting to suffer.  Valerie was over and pointed out that they may want to be replanted and spread out.  I frivolously went out and purchased these awesome matching planters and went to work.  I love how they turned out.

While I was at it, I repotted my aloe vera.  We have enough for a lifetime of burns and cuts.  It is like miracle gel!
 My sister-in-law, Sherry, sent us this beautiful music box.  Willowtree Remembrance Music Box.  "Memories - Hold Each One Safely In Your Heart".

Bailey officially graduated intermediate dog training class.  He did amazing and has calmed down so much.  We plan to repeat the class (free of charge), as the doggie distractions have been a really good learning tool for him.  The only time we have been having trouble with him is when we first let him in the house.  He was running around like a wild man for 10-15 minutes.  At the recommendation of our instructor, we have been bringing him in on the leash.  After about 10 minutes, we let him off.  He seems to be doing very well with that system.

Here is Kendall playing musical heeling with Bailey and the other dogs.  Kendall is very competitive and was happy that Bailey won both times.
For graduation, the dogs get a bowl of soft serve ice cream with a bone and easy treat topping.

1 comment:

dikshalee said...

The only time we have been having trouble with him is when we first let him in the house. He was running around like a wild man for 10-15 minutes. At the recommendation of our instructor, we have been bringing him in on the leash.
Health write for us