Friday, October 26, 2018

Halloween Decorating and Raking Leaves (maybe?).

Fall is definitely here!  I will say it again, I love Fall in the Treasure Valley.  Sunny, warm days and crisp mornings.  Sidney has become our resident decorator.  She absolutely loves to put the holiday decorations out.  I gladly let her take charge. 
There are occasions when she decorates very different from me.  I tend to put the same decorations in the same spot every year.  Not Sidney.  I have chosen to largely leave things alone after she has decorated.  Case in point, all of our glitter decorations made their debut on the front patio!

I am not much into spooky décor and typically decorate harvest style.  This year, Sidney was adamant we could not put our harvest décor up until after Halloween.  Instead, she wanted spider webs and creepy spiders.

The girls got these ugly bugs from the YMCA.  They have been making their debut in very unexpected places, like the fruit bowl and my coffee cup.  They may look fake as I have zoomed into this picture.  However, on any given day out of the corner of your eye, they are very REAL.  These bugs have been the source of many screams (from me) and giggles (from the girls).
Kendall took it upon herself to rake up the leaves this year.  I used the term 'raking' loosely, since they did eventually get in the garbage can.  I am pretty sure more piles were made and jumped in than anything.

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