Monday, October 1, 2018

District Cross Coutry Meet and Lasting Friendships

Kendall made the District cross country meet.  They take the top 30 runners from each school.  The first 10 run the varsity race, and the second 20 run the junior varsity race.  There were (3) 6th graders from her team that made varsity.  I hope those girls stick with it, because they will be unstoppable in the coming years. 
I love this picture of Kendall with her friends Avery and Brooklyn.  There are so many reasons to love this picture.  These girls have known each other from church for several years.  They have each attended different elementary schools.  However, this year they are in the same school.  Additionally, they all started attending the youth group each Wednesday, since they are now old enough to attend.  They are forming some truly incredible bonds.  After the district meet, the girls went to the church for Hunter's 'world famous' tacos and a trip to the corn maze!  Brooklyn (on the right) was one of the sixth graders that made varsity.

Here are the junior varsity girls getting a few last minute instructions before the start gun.

The race is on!

Kendall at the half way point. 

Here she is heading into the home stretch!

We are so very proud of her for putting herself out there.  She had no idea what she was getting into when she joined the team.  She has grown so much.  The first couple of meets, Kevin and I were convinced that she did not even know it was a race.  She was smiling, waving and chit chatting the whole time.  She may not have possessed that killer instinct, but she figured it out. She took over four minutes off her time from the beginning of the season to the end.  Most of all, she enjoyed it.  She grew both physically and mentally.  Rock on, Kendall!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love this! I've prayed for Avery's friendships for years. We are extremely blessed to have Kendall in our lives!