Monday, September 26, 2016

Saturday Football and Applesauce.

I love Fall.  It has quickly become my favorite time of year.  Kevin is a big fan of college football and spends most of his Saturday's watching football.  I am not a football fan in the true sense of the word, but I love puttering around the house while Kevin is watching the games.  A few weeks ago, the Heisman Trophy made an appearance in Boise.  Kevin insisted that we go get some pictures with it.  He was expecting a huge crowd.  Not so much.  We had plenty of time to take pictures and goof off.

Sid striking a pose.

While we were out that way, I decided to pick up some apples at the Lakeview Fruit Stand in Caldwell.  I had never made applesauce before, and I had the canning bug.  I figured it could not be too hard.  Kendall was at a friends house, so Sid decided to pitch in and help.

Twenty five pounds of apples later, I had some fresh homemade applesauce.  Delicious!  Thanks to the yummy honey crisp apples there was no sugar needed

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