Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Headstands and Other Shenanigans.

I have always dabbled in yoga, but decided to take it a bit more seriously this year.  There is an 83 year old woman in my class that can do every single advanced pose.  She is truly inspiring.  As I was telling my COO about this (he also does yoga), he said, "I know Claire.  I also know that she does yoga more than once a month.  If you want to get better, you need to be on your mat at least twice a week."  That same week, the instructor read an inspirational story that prompted me want to make it a priority.  Since I have been going regularly, I have noticed such a difference.  I am stronger both mentally and physically.  While my mom was here, I had her take a picture of my latest accomplishment...the headstand.

The girls did a lot of swimming this summer, and I did zero clarifying.  When they got their back to school haircuts, the lady recommended a treatment.  Once the pool closed down, I took them in for some pampering.  They had such a great time, giggling and talking loudly under the hair dryers.

These girls...they crack me up.  No matter where we go, they can find something to giggle about.  This is what a stroll by Sephora led to....

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

A Visit from Grandma and Lazy Pants.

My mom came to visit last weekend.  It was such an amazing time.  We packed so much into the weekend, but still had time to relax.  We went to yoga, took a walk, tried out a new coffee shop, went to gymnastics and shopping with the girls,  

This summer my mom had started the girls on sewing.  To build on that, I registered them for a few sewing classes at Joann's.  When my mom heard about this, she decided to come down for the first class.  Miss Mary was the girls instructor.  She had the patience of a saint.

Sidney was so proud of her new pillowcase.

The following week, the girls did their second class.  They learned to sew flannel lazy pants.

Too cute!  I cannot wait for them to sew me a pair!

Monday, September 26, 2016

Saturday Football and Applesauce.

I love Fall.  It has quickly become my favorite time of year.  Kevin is a big fan of college football and spends most of his Saturday's watching football.  I am not a football fan in the true sense of the word, but I love puttering around the house while Kevin is watching the games.  A few weeks ago, the Heisman Trophy made an appearance in Boise.  Kevin insisted that we go get some pictures with it.  He was expecting a huge crowd.  Not so much.  We had plenty of time to take pictures and goof off.

Sid striking a pose.

While we were out that way, I decided to pick up some apples at the Lakeview Fruit Stand in Caldwell.  I had never made applesauce before, and I had the canning bug.  I figured it could not be too hard.  Kendall was at a friends house, so Sid decided to pitch in and help.

Twenty five pounds of apples later, I had some fresh homemade applesauce.  Delicious!  Thanks to the yummy honey crisp apples there was no sugar needed

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Our Sweet Cooper.

Cooper was our first "child".  Kevin and I picked her up in May 2004 from a farm in Middleton.  She was born on the farm and feasted on strawberries as a puppy.  She was a sweet little golden retriever that we fell in love with her instantly.  She was timid about most things but fierce about her family.  From the first day we brought each of the girls home, she watched over them with love and care.

Kendall spent endless hours talking with Cooper, playing games and running around the neighborhood together.

Sidney and Cooper were one in the same, both of them sweet and playful.  Cooper put up with so much while these girls were little.  She would just wag her tail and come back for more.

When Cooper was one years old, Kevin and I both had to spend the summer away from home.  Kevin was in Afghanistan.  I was working in Denver.  Cooper spent the summer with my mom.  As we all know, sending a child to grandma's house means only one thing...spoiled!  Cooper came home with a bandanna around her neck and a penchant for treats.

They say that a dog is a man's best friend.  I believe this to be true.  Since Kevin has been diagnosed with cancer, Cooper literally would not leave his side.  When Kevin would go to the bathroom, Cooper would lay outside the door.  When Kevin would take a bath, Cooper would stand at the edge of the tub.  It was almost comical to see him trip over her everywhere he walked.

This past year, Cooper had her 12th birthday, which would be 84 years in the dog world.  Her body had started to slow down, but her heart and mind were still that of a puppy.  On Wednesday, Kevin returned from a trip with his brother.  On Thursday, Cooper sat next to Kevin all morning while Kevin rubbed her back.  She was very tired.  Kevin and I left to get a bite to eat,  When we came home, Cooper had decided it was time to go.  Our sweet Cooper, she will be missed!

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Super Skills!

I have been having so much fun the past few years learning to garden and now learning to preserve.  This year, Valerie gave us half a burlap bag of corn.  For the second time, I used the microwave to shuck corn.  It is seriously clean and easy.  If you have not tried it, give it a whirl.  You will never shuck corn the old fashioned way again.  I found an amazing recipe for Mexican Street Corn.  OMG!  Pure yumminess!

My mom bought me a canning book last year (hint, hint) and a water bath this year (hint, hint).  Well, I finally took the hint and tried canning.  The whole thought of it was extremely intimidating.  Rebecca agreed to let me join her this year to learn the ropes.  We tried peaches and pears.  It was super easy and a lot of fun.  After all, I got to visit with my friend while preserving food for my family.  It was a win-win. 

I had one box of pears that was not quite ripe, so I will be trying it on my own next weekend.  Wish me luck!

Sunday, September 4, 2016

No words.

The title of this post describes much of how I feel.  I asked Kevin what I should write for an update, but I am not sure that either of us could think of anything creative.  It has been a long journey.  Sometimes there are just no words to describe exactly how we feel or what is going on, so we don't.  But, I will try.  I will try, because I know that many of you want to know but do not want to be intrusive.  I will try, because this blog serves as a story for our daughters to be able to read someday and reflect on our lives.

Kevin had a scan last Thursday and was scheduled to start a new treatment on Friday.  We did everything as scheduled.  The scan results were not good, some of which was expected, some of which we do not exactly understand what it means.  The oncologist asked Kevin what he wanted to do.  Does he want to start this new treatment?  Kevin replied, "Yes.  Let's continue to fight this fight!"  As I may have shared in a previous post, we are moving away from traditional chemotherapy and trying immunotherapy.  The side effects are supposed to be very minimal.  He had a pretty rough first day or two, but generally seems to be doing well.  It will be four to six months to really know if this new treatment is working.  They will do a scan after two months just as a protocol.  However, it is typical that the first scan will show that nothing has improved.

We carry on!  We cherish each day.  We hope for a cure.  We hope for a miracle.  Most of all, we do our best to enjoy each moment.  We take the good and push through the bad.  Thank you all for your continued support and prayers.  It means more than I will ever be able to express.

Other Random Unforgettables.

Here are a few things that I did not want to forget.  So, I will tuck them away here. 

The girls were asked to get up in front of service to recite verses and say a few words about Awana.  Kendall did the first service.  She was amazing.

Sidney went up in front of the second service.  She did an outstanding job and really spoke from her heart.  I am so proud of these girls!

We had a very nice summer and managed to enjoy some late summer evenings in our backyard.  The girls doing gymnastics and goofing off.  Kevin and I reading, talking or just enjoying the moment.

I am super excited to have the opportunity to expand Project Lead the Way in our community.  The school that the girls attend will be implementing the Launch program this fall.

And, of course, the first day of school picture.  What a couple of cuties!

The Ridgevue Warhawks and A Weekend Away.

The new high school opened up in Vallivue this year.  They are the Ridgevue Warhawks.  Jeremy, the Athletic Director at Ridgevue and a good friend of our family, honored Kevin at the beginning of the first football game.

We all went onto the field as they said some very kind things and honored Kevin for his years of military service and for his contributions to Vallivue.

After that, the school had a flyover from a P-40 Warhawk which is a WWII fighter plane.  It was a pretty cool evening.  Kevin really enjoyed getting to catch up with everyone.

The next morning, we headed up to Warm Lake for the Wish Granters family retreat.  This was our second time attending and it was just as amazing as the first time.  What an incredible organization.  The founder of the organization, Doug, retired this year.  However, he and his family still worked tirelessly to provide us all with a relaxing, no fuss weekend.

The girls met up with some of their friends from last year.

Andre, with the yellow sleeves, was hilariously unwilling to smile for the camera.

Group photo, minus a few people that had to leave a bit early.

What a wonderful weekend!

August Birthday Girl!

The downside of having an August birthday is that you have not met your new classmates yet.  So last May, at Sidney's request, she had her friends over for an end of the year party.  

The upside of having an August birthday is that she usually manages to sneak a few extra parties in.  Grandma and Papa had a little party at their house while the girls were there.  I think Grandma Karen and Sidney were equally excited about her new doll.  If any one needs Christmas ideas for my mom...I think I have just the thing:)

On the day of her birthday, we had a celebration at Grandma Terrell's.  She got these cool binoculars so that she could do a little bird watching.

 Sidney insisted on helping Grandma decorate the cake this year.  Grandma spoils these girls with some pretty amazing and special cakes! 

Sidney was very excited to sit down and answer some interview questions.  So, here goes...

The Interview:
1. What is your favorite color? Bright Pink
2. What is your favorite toy? My American Girl Doll
3. What is your favorite fruit? Watermelon
4. What is your favorite tv show or movie? Adventures in Babysitting
5. What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch? Brunch Lunch at school
6. What is your favorite game? Memory
7. What is your favorite snack? Pudding
8. What is your favorite animal? Panda
9. What is your favorite song? No (Meghan Trainor)
10. What is your favorite book? Wemberly Worried (Kevin Henkes)
11. Who is your best friend? Elona
12. What is your favorite cereal? Cinnamon Toast Crunch
13. What is your favorite thing to do outside? Gymnastics
14. What is your favorite drink? Chocolate Milk
15. What is your favorite holiday? Christmas
16. What do you like to take to bed with you at night? Monkey
17. What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? Pancakes
18. What do you want for dinner on your birthday? Ham and mashed potatoes (say what?!?!?)
19. What do you want to be when you grow up? A famous singer
20. Imagine that you can become invisible whenever you wanted to. What are some of the things you would do? Spy on people
21. I am very proud because… last year I got six awards at school.
22. If I were President I would… travel everywhere and give speeches.
23. I am afraid to …jump out of a hot air balloon (thank goodness!)
24. Name one thing you do really well? Gymnastics
25. Describe what it means to be a good friend. Being nice and not calling people names
26. What is your favorite time of day? Night
27. Describe your best day ever? The day I was born.
28. Describe your favorite hobby. Making cards
29. Climbing trees is… scary
30. I wish there were a law that said… safe.
31. What makes you feel sad? Thinking about Daddy's cancer
32. What makes you feel happy? Playing with my Barbie's
33. Pretend that you can fly whenever you wanted. Where would you go? Disneyland
34. If I could choose a different name, I would choose…Nicole
35. Where do you want to go on vacation? Paris
36. What is your favorite thing to do with Mom or Dad? Cuddle

Second Grade Sweetie, Sidney.

Sidney is in a glamour girl phase.  She likes her outfits just so and loves to get dolled up!  She had a lot of input into this photo shoot.  "Stinking Cute" were the words that the photographer kept using to describe her.  I would agree!