Friday, October 17, 2014

Picture Day and Pumpkin Painting.

The girls had picture day at school.  They both took great care in choosing their outfit and accessories.  Sidney's comment, "I am going to look so GLAM for my first picture day."  I am certain she learned the word GLAM from Kevin, because I do not say it:)

We decided to give pumpkin painting a try this year instead of pumpkin carving.

The girls worked very intently on their pumpkins.  The one thing I can always count on with Sidney is that she works very neat and tidy with paint.  She does not like to get dirty.

Kendall on the other hand is a regular Jackson Pollock.  Paint flies everywhere!  At one point she decided to start over with one of her pumpkins.  I found her in the bathroom with a used up box of baby wipes.  She had wiped most of the paint off.  So, I dropped the pumpkin into the bathtub for a wash.  She was pretty happy to have a blank canvas again.

Needless to say, the girls had a fabulous time painting pumpkins.  My only concern is that we put the pumpkins outside and they are shriveling from the heat and paint.  Very disappointing!  Anyone have any ideas on slowing that process down?

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