Saturday, October 18, 2014

Annabelle's Scary Encounter.

Annabelle is my niece's Chihuahua.  A few weeks back, my mom and Hallie went on a bike ride with Annabelle.  My mom has a cruiser bike with a basket.  Annabelle typically rides in the basket.  My mom buckles her in so that she cannot jump out.  Typical routine, no big deal right?  This particular day - crazy happened.

Hallie and my mom were riding their bikes around the golf course.  A man was "walking" his dog by driving his golf cart through the neighborhood while hanging on to the leash.  The dog was a very large airedale.  The airedale ripped the leash out of the owners hand and charged at Annabelle.  My mom stopped the bike and threw her arms over the basket.  The airedale retreated momentarily, then attacked again.  This time the dog knocked my mom off her bike.  My mom was pinned under the bike and the airedale was attacking Annabelle inside the basket.  I will not describe it in full detail as to not include all of the gore, but it was awful.  One of Annabelle's veins had been punctured. 

The airedale's owner and another couple that was walking by tried repeatedly to pull the dog off.  After many attempts they were able to get the airedale off.  The couple brought a towel to wrap Annabelle in and transported her and my mom to the vets office.  Annabelle went into surgery immediately.  After a 24 hour stay, she was able to go home.  She is recovering well, but the vet said she is a very lucky little dog to have survived such a brutal attack.

So very scary!  It seems that after this happened, I have heard countless similar stories.  I am investing in dog deterrent spray to ward off attacking dogs.  I hope that I will never have to use it, but I will make a habit of carrying it. 

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