Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Judy's Towels and Game Night.

A few nights ago we invited Terrell over for dinner (and a few games).  Our next door neighbors are awesome people.  They are a bit older and do not have kids of their own, unless you count their dogs.  They have a niece that is just a year or two older than the girls.  Their niece visits quite a bit, and the girls LOVE to play with her.  They can play for hours upon hours.  I love when they play, because it never seems to involve TV or video games.  They play dolls, school, gas station, gymnastics.

Last weekend Niki was visiting with a friend.  The four girls played at our house for a couple of hours,  then they went over to Judy's.  Kevin went next door to get them before dinner.  This is what they came back looking like:
Holy makeup and hair!  At first, I thought it was hair chalk.  The girls informed me it was none other than food coloring.  I had no idea whether it was going to wash out or not.  The girls were so enamored with their hair that I let them leave it in until the next day.  I was very grateful that the bath water turned brilliant colors as the food coloring washed out of their hair.  I asked the girls if they made a huge mess of Judy's house.  The girls told us how they were very neat and careful when they applied the coloring.  They put on gloves and used towels to clean up the mess.  Towels?  UGH!  I wonder if Judy will be locking up her food coloring after this?  In case you were wondering, the makeup came off before bed.

After dinner, the girls taught Terrell how to play Yahtzee.  They are hooked.  I taught them how to play the night before and they loved it.  You have to watch them though, they like to cheat.  Sidney was rolling for her 4's when she got two 2's, which of course gives her another 4, right?  Pretty ingenious of her.  Both of the girls like to give themselves a few extra rolls if it suits their fancy:)

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