Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Beginning of the Family Garden

Kendall has been begging for a family garden.  Last year we had promised her a garden, but then we decided to have a second house built.  We each had to temporarily give something up to make that happen.  For Kendall, she had to give up her garden.  This year we were able to put it in.  By "we" I mean Kevin.  He worked very hard and did a beautiful job. 
Notice Sid supervising in the background.  I think she painted a total of 3 pickets before getting distracted.

Kendall spent Sunday afternoon staining the picket fence.  I have never seen a 6 year old work so hard.  She is taking this garden very seriously.  She painted for 4-1/2 hours with only a few very short snack breaks. 

The next morning when I woke her up for school she said, "I think I broke my arm."  I laughed and asked her which arm.  It was her right arm and she could barely move it.  I told her that is what it feels like to do good old-fashioned hard work.  If I recall she requested my assistance to brush her teeth and her hair that morning. 

She has watered every night and covered her strawberry plants to protect them from the chilly nights.  We have some starters that we planted from seeds that are growing like crazy in the sun room.  A few more weeks and we will put those in the garden too. 

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