Thursday, April 11, 2013

Break Dancing with the Boise Beat Boys.

Kendall participated in a four week break dancing class through an after school program.  She loved every minute of it and would come home each week telling us about her new moves.  The third week she became a member of the "z-scratch club".  She learned how to do the sprinkler, the coffee grinder, the body spin, the worm and the wave.  They also learned quite a bit of break dancing history.  It started on the streets of New York.  Cardboard would be taped to the ground to save their skin.  On the last day, they had a performance for families.  Here she is in action:

The Boise Beat Boys made an appearance and helped the kids during their performance.  Here is Kendall waiting for her cue from one of the Boise Beat Boys to go out and freestyle.

Out onto the cardboard she ran for her 15 seconds of fame.  She did her signature move "the body spin".  My personal favorite is the coffee grinder. 

And the fabulous finish...

My sister reminded me about all of the break dancing we used to do.  We even had a book on how to do the moves.  I remember a boy at my school named Eric Ross (funny the things I remember).  He would show us how to do it.  He and Bill (I cannot remember his last name) were incredible break dancers.  My coworker Wilson is a pretty good break dancer, but these Boise Beat Boys did things that I did not know the human body could do.  I wish we had taken a few pictures of that.  I think that I would probably break something if I tried to do it nowadays.

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