Monday, June 13, 2011

Artwork 2011

The girls have been very busy this past year making all kinds of awesome art projects.  Me being the crazy, organized creature that I am had to have a game plan.  At the beginning of the year, I bought each of the girls a big plastic tote box and put their names on them.  Whenever they bring home artwork they hang it on the refrigerator or put it in the tote.  When they take something off the refrigerator, it goes in their tote.

Since the last day of school was a couple of weeks ago, we decided to pull out the totes and look back on all of the creations they had made.  I devised a clothespin hanging contraption and the girls each took turns hanging their artwork up for a picture.  In the end we ceremoniously tossed the artwork and kept the pictures.  Yay!  It was a win-win situation and they seemed pretty okay with the festivities.  Here are a few pictures of some of my favorites:

Kendall's projects:
Laminated Pumpkin.  This one looked very cool hanging from the ceiling.
Sandpaper Gingerbread Girl.  Who would have thought of that?
Crazy Free Form Art.  This is probably my absolutely favorite, as it reminds me so much of Kendall's personality.  I still remember the day that she made this one.  She was not quite finished with it when I came to pick her up.  So she asked the teacher for a cup to put all of her "treasures" in .  Then she came home and sat at the table for nearly 45 minutes carefully placing and gluing the "treasures" exactly where she wanted them.

Sidney's projects:

Bubble Wrap Corn.  Again, who would have thought?

Reindeer.  Made out of Sidney's sweet little hands and adorable little foot.  Need I say more?
Penguin Feet.  Ever since my dreaded time in Antarctica, I have a special spot for penguins.  They were the most colorful thing on the continent.  Did you know that emperor penguins actually have beautiful shades of purple, red and yellow on the sides of their faces.  Emperor penguins are as tall as I am and can slide "super-fast" on their bellies!

There are many more projects where these came from, but I just thought we would share a few...

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