Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Too Much Sickness!

Let me start off this post by saying I make a horrible sick person, but this time really took its toll.  It all started the day of Kendall's recital (which I will post later).  Sidney was very hot and clingy (should have been the first sign).  Yet I was not sure if it was just all of the excitement and running around they had been doing.  Aunt Stephie and Grandma Terrell were both in town.  The girls had been swimming, to baseball games, to 6 new Boise parks (yes, Aunt Stephie is the bomb!).  My first thought was that she was tired.  We went to the recital and had a wonderful day.  Can you see from this picture that something might be wrong?  Well I sure could not...

That evening at the dreaded hour of midnight, I was heading for the bathroom.  Let the games begin!  About 30 minutes later as I was heading to the bathroom for a second time, Sidney came into our room and started "coughing".  She had vomited all over her bed.  Kevin was a champ and cleaned it up.  Let the games continue...Sidney and I laid in my bed that night with the flu.  Fortunately Sidney was better by Sunday morning.  I kept waiting to get better, and waiting, and waiting...Nothing.  No getting better. 

On Tuesday morning (yes, the third day) I still could not hold anything down.  There was no sign of getting better.  My body hurt from laying around so much.  Those who know me understand that I rarely even lay for a solid 7 hours at night.  I was hurting.  Off to the urgent care I went.  According to the Doctor, I was extremely dehydrated and needed desperately to stop the vomiting.  After awhile at the doctor, it was back to the house with Zofrin to stop the vomiting and 3 large bottles of pedialyte.  Wednesday I headed back to work (BAD MOVE!).  I still had not eaten, but I could just envision the work piling up.  After a pathetic attempt at work, it was back home.  FINALLY by Friday I was feeling "almost" normal.  By Saturday, I was eating Andrade's Mexican food.  WooHoo!

Then it was Kendall's turn.  Sunday night her and Sidney were at the Nelson's when she got sick.  Bummer!  Instantly I started to freak out.  Irrational thoughts ran through my mind.  I was not going to mess around.  My experience the week before showed me how quickly things can go from bad to REALLY bad.  Kevin had to calm me down.  "One step at a time", he told me.  Well thankfully, the flu did not linger too long for her.  She was eating dinner by Monday evening.  The real bummer in all of this is that the girls had to miss their friend Emily's 3rd birthday party.  On a positive note, the Nelson kids all seem fine.  So far, so good.

So what does one do after any serious bout with the flu?  CLEAN!  Then do some yard work, then clean some more.  My house has never been more spotless.  Did you know that soap can build up underneath the lip of your washing machine?  Indeed.  I was up until midnight scrubbing it out.  My van has never looked so clean.  I do not even think it was that clean when I bought it.

Than came the yard work.  I planted 6 hanging baskets.  I moved two shrubs and planted four more. 

Next I put in 6 new plants that I am hoping will make good ground cover.  The fence is to keep crazy Coco from digging them up before they get a chance to take root.  She had already dug them up one time before I managed to get the fence up (well actually Kevin managed to get the fence up).

Lastly, but certainly not least, my beautiful Mother's Day present.  The girls and Kevin had told me on Mother's Day that they had wanted to buy me a fountain.  Kendall had mentioned several times that they wanted to take me and let me pick out a fountain.  "One that you want mommy.  Not one that we want".  Seriously cute!  This weekend, after all of the craziness, we went shopping for a fountain.  Initially I thought I wanted a rock water fountain, but when I saw this one I loved it instantly.  There is a blue light that shines from underneath the water. 

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