Tuesday, May 10, 2011

It is Finished!

My crazy apron project is complete.  After the speeding ticket, I had kind of lost interest and went on a crafting hiatus.  Each weekend I would think about the unfinished aprons in the closet.  Finally this Sunday I pulled them out and finished them.  I grabbed the cooking props and the girls humored me with a quick photo shoot.  Of course the fabric was their choice and as wild as it gets.  Who would expect anything less?

Now that I know what I am doing, they were so fun and easy.  I think I will keep my eye out for some bargain fabric and make a few for the girls' school.  They are always looking for aprons for the kids. 

Today when I picked the girls up from school, Sidney was hanging out in Kendall's class.  As it turns out, she got to be in there for most of the day.  Ellen, the director, told me that Kendall spent a few hours in the "4's class", which is technically the preschool class she will be in next year.  Apparently Ellen had asked for volunteers and Kendall threw her hand up.  This was quite a remarkable feat since a few months ago she went over there for about half an hour and was pretty intimidated.

Saturday I had to take both of the girls to Sidney's soccer class since Kevin was busy with the Tennis tournament.  Before we went, I gave Kendall the lecture about how this is Sid's class and she can watch or help out like one of the parents.  She did an amazing job and helped Sidney every step of the way.  Sidney was glowing.  She introduced her sister Kendall to everyone and was the first to jump in and show off her tricks.  When we left I asked Sidney what her favorite part was.  She said, "Playing with Kendall".  I truly wish I could say it was like this all of the time, but it is NOT. 

I was telling my friend Kristin about an incident that happened a couple of weeks.  The girls were bickering like crazy.  Kevin was gone, and I was not in the mood.  I told them that the next time I heard them argue they were both going to their rooms for 20 minutes.  Crazy, I know.  That is a long time for a little kid!  About 30 seconds after my insane threat they started to fight.  Up to their rooms they went.  They were put in separate rooms and the timer on the stove was set for 20 minutes.  Aah, the quiet.  It was beautiful!  About 5 minutes into it, I heard Sid sneak into Kendall's room and giggles start to emit from the bedroom.  The control freak in me wanted to run up the stairs and scold them, but I decided against it.  Instead I did what any sane woman would do, I snuck up the stairs and peaked around the corner to watch (apparently I do that a lot).  They were having so much fun.  It seems that the absence of me was all that they needed to start getting along.  I wish that would work every time!


Gerbicks said...

after endless bickering, i will also send both girls to their bedrooms...it does seem to work on a certain level. amazing. & i get a sneak peek often--fun stuff.

Lizette said...

I love that about the girls giggling together when they were supposed to be in time out. That's so good of you to just let them do it too. What a sweet memory that will be for all of you.