Sunday, January 23, 2011

Who's Afraid of Peter Cottontail?

Silly little Sidney is afraid of Peter Cottontail.  This does not come as a shock to me, but the apple juice down my front side was certainly a shock!  Yesterday we took the girls to Barnes and Noble for story time.  The woman read a few books and passed out cookies and cups of apple juice for the kids.  Then she announced that Peter Cottontail was coming for a visit.  Everyone was very excited.  However when Sidney caught site of him, she immediately grabbed hold of me launching her cup full of apple juice at me.  Then she followed the clamoring with a few cries of hysteria.  I managed to calm her down and napkin myself off.  The really hilarious part is that after Peter left, she talked about him for the entire afternoon.  Every time she would mention him I would reply, "Sure, you are brave now!"

I had two copies of last year's blog printed, one for each of the girls.  The books arrived in the mail last week.  I was kind of surprised at the girls reaction.  They immediately started calling them their special books.  Sidney sat in the chair for over 20 minutes just flipping through it pointing out pictures.  They turned out very nice.  Well worth the investment. 

About a month ago Kendall had a dollar to burn, so we headed to the Dollar Store.  On the way there I had to run into Walgreen's.  While we were in Walgreen's Kendall laid her eyes on these silly little balls with rubber animals inside.  They were called squinkee pets.  Yeah I had never heard of them either.  But Kendall, who cannot read yet, knew EXACTLY what they were.  Of course she wanted to buy them, but they cost $10 and she only had $2.  Mean  mom that I am said "No dice honey.  You will have to save up your money."  Then along came her birthday, and she received a couple dollars in the mail ($6 to be exact).  She pulled out her piggy bank and came up with $3 more in change.  Still not enough.  Thank goodness for Daddy.  He gave her some cleaning assignments and told her that if she got them done, no questions asked, he would give her the remaining dollar she needed.  I have never seen a four year old work so hard without being directed.  Alas, she had enough money to buy her squinkee pets.  Of course I laid out all the money (quite a pile) and said "Are you SURE you want to do this?"  She replied, "Yes mommy, I am sure."  Here is Miss Kendall with her new prized possession...16 little squinkee pets.  Ridiculous to me...A treasure to her. 

The girls each received a baking set for Christmas this year.  The set came complete with an apron, muffin tins, cupcake holders, measuring spoons, wooden spoons, scrapers and whisks.  We put them to good use last week and made cherry chip cupcakes with chocolate chips.  The girls were so proud to take the finished products to school and share them with their friends.  We have been doing a lot of baking around here lately.  Thank goodness the girls share my love for baking. 

Grandma Terrell sent the girls some super COZY pajamas this week.  The pajamas were a belated Christmas present to go with the pillow pets that she sent.  She had a friend make the jammies especially for the girls.  The girls loved them.  They put them on right away and donned the jewelry and headbands that grandma sent as well.  Kendall has insisted on wearing the PJ's every night since she got them.   They have plenty of room to grow into them, but the girls do not seem to mind a bit!

1 comment:

Marin and Matt said...

Hey Heather-
Where did you get your blogs turned into a book?I have heard about it but don't know where to go online.
